The Humane Society of the U.S. is surrounded by myths and misconceptions. Some incorrect claims about the HSUS are simple misunderstandings, and some are deliberate falsehoods spread by industries that profit from animal cruelty.
We’ve assembled a list of myths and misinformation about the Humane Society of the U.S., along with the facts of the issues involved. We invite you to bookmark this page, and refer to it when you hear outrageous and unsupported claims about the HSUS.
Click on any item below to explore the facts. And, if you hear a claim that’s not on this list, please let us know so we can investigate and add it to the list.
- The HSUS wants to outlaw ownership of all pets.
- The HSUS supports breed-specific legislation (BSL).
- The HSUS recommends that all dogs seized from dog fighting operations be euthanized.
Exotic Animals
- The HSUS opposes ownership of all reptiles.
- The HSUS opposes ownership of certain exotic animals.
- The HSUS wants to outlaw ownership of all non-native species.
- The HSUS wants to outlaw ownership of all birds.
- The HSUS doesn’t support animal shelters.
- The HSUS devotes less than one-half of one percent of its funds to help shelters.
Meat and Farming
- The HSUS wants to outlaw all animal agriculture.
- The HSUS doesn’t support any farmed products.
- The HSUS wants to force everyone to be vegan.
- Wayne Pacelle said he doesn’t feel bonded to animals.
- Wayne Pacelle said he has no problem with the extinction of domestic animals. (“One generation and out.”)
- Wayne Pacelle said he doesn’t like animals and doesn’t think they’re cute.
- Wayne Pacelle said that every responsible breeder is a puppy miller, every family farmer is factory farmer, and every responsible hunter is a poacher.
- The HSUS pays its employees lavish salaries and benefits.
- HSUS CEO Wayne Pacelle is paid an astronomical salary.